Office Furniture Installation
Receive, deliver, and/or install new and used office furniture.
Cubical Installation
Build modular, cubical, and station-like desks for office personnel.
Facilities Management
Offer miscellaneous on-site services on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Some examples of services offered include but are not limited to: install marker boards and wall hangings, adjust office furniture, set up desks for new hires, reconfigure furniture, complete service requests, and deliver inner office mail.
Product Transportation
Load, transport, deliver, and unload office furniture.
Presentation Board Installation
Install electronic or standard dry erase/marker boards onto sheet rock or wall systems.
Office Furniture Repair: Repair broken cabinets, cubical furniture, and free-standing private office furniture.
Inner-Office Personnel Moves
Relocate and rearrange boxes, files, and other miscellaneous items.
Office Furniture Reconfiguration
Rearrange office furniture including free-standing and cubical/modular furniture.
Office Furniture Relocation
Load, transport, and unload office furniture, shelves, and miscellaneous items from one site, building, or floor to another.
Warehouse Storage Management
Store customer product(s) in our warehouse on a monthly basis.

Freeman Installation offers free estimates. Volume Discounts are also available.
*Additional fees may apply for special services – Overtime rates apply after normal business hours – Service times are dependent upon availability
Contact Freeman Installation for help on your next project.